Just Like That!

Another fall is behind us....every year it seems to fly by faster than the year before! 

It has been a busy few months. Students in all science classes have been working hard and learning new concepts. 6th grade learned about the rock cycle and is currently learning about erosion and deposition. 7th grade has learned about cells, body systems, and is currently learning about sensory receptors. 8th grade is wrapping up their chemistry unit and we will be learning about energy at the start of the new year! 

Here are some photos from the fall! 

As a middle school each grade level is currently competing in a Coin War to benefit the Ronald McDonald House!! 

Stay tuned to hear who won and how much we raised!! 

I hope you all have a restful break and enjoy time with family and friends. I will be spending lots of time with my family including these two silly girls!! 


  1. Congratulations, Ms.Spinney! You are our 1,000,000th post! For this special occasion, we will award you with a special prize... To claim your special reward, you must look below!

    How to claim your special prize:
    Give your beast 8th grade class free time for one whole day...



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